Challenge Project

Futuristic Contract For Love Relationships

Wellbeing and Mental Health Matters


Developing an app for couples to have a legal commitment which entitles to compensation for mental and emotional pain

  • The language of love can be expressed in many different ways, every partner must say to which percentages words of affirmation, acts of service, physical touch, quality time, gift-giving are relevant
  • The app should check what kind of relationship the two partners wish: for example monogamous or polyamorous relationship. If the both agree on it or they wish also casual sex relationships or on something else.
  • The partners agree that lying and betraying entitles the other person to compensation for healing costs and emotional damages

Event finished

Edited (version 31)

01.05.2023 14:23 ~ ilya_skurikhin


Joined the team

01.05.2023 12:48 ~ sofiane_alloun

Edited (version 25)

01.05.2023 12:37 ~ ilya_skurikhin

01.05.2023 12:36 ~ ilya_skurikhin

Joined the team

01.05.2023 12:31 ~ ilya_skurikhin

Event started

The app will provide guidance on communication, so that misunderstandings can be minimized and trust can be built. The goal is to help unmarried couples navigate their relationships with honesty, trust, and transparency.

30.04.2023 06:37 ~ dominique_calcò_labbruzzo

Mental health is important in relationships, so the app will provide a voluntary compensation system that provides entitlement for compensation for the soul pain that follows a breakup for example.

30.04.2023 06:37 ~ dominique_calcò_labbruzzo

The app should regulate claims in a similar or even better way than the actual law surrounding marriage, but in a way that ensures trust, honesty, and communication between partners.

30.04.2023 06:36 ~ dominique_calcò_labbruzzo

The challenge is to build an app for a futuristic love contract for unmarried partners seeking a mature and honest relationship. It is about preventing legal fights healing costs for physical and mental health.

30.04.2023 06:35 ~ dominique_calcò_labbruzzo

The partners agree that lying and betraying entitles the other person to compensation for healing costs and emotional damages

15.04.2023 08:12 ~ dominique_calcò_labbruzzo

The language of love can be expressed in many different ways, every partner must say to which percentages words of affirmation, acts of service, physical touch, quality time, gift-giving are relevant

15.04.2023 08:11 ~ dominique_calcò_labbruzzo

The app should check what kind of relationship the two partners wish: for example monogamous or polyamorous relationship. If the both agree on it or they wish also casual sex relationships or on something else.

15.04.2023 08:09 ~ dominique_calcò_labbruzzo

Joined the team

15.04.2023 08:02 ~ dominique_calcò_labbruzzo

First post View challenge

15.04.2023 08:02 ~ dominique_calcò_labbruzzo


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