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× This Challenge was posted 1 year ago

Challenge Project

Improving quality of lawmaking with AI

Analysing dependencies & contradictions


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I want to build a "legal compiler" that analyses a new law and identifies where it impacts existing laws to improve the overall quality

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Building on advances in NLP and machine learning the idea is to create a solution for policymakers that identifies dependencies to other laws or contradictions to existing laws before a new law is being passed. Similar to checks that are run when software is being updated (e.g. package management) I'd like to create a prototype or rather the needed components in order to make such a project work.

Presentation: see attached

Potential resources: https://www.fedlex.admin.ch/de/cc?news_period=last_year&news_pageNb=1&news_order=desc&news_itemsPerPage=10

📎 OpenLegalLab-Improving quality.pdf

Contributed 1 year ago by NicolasZahn for Open Legal Lab 2023
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