
  • 🖍️ Designer
  • ⚙️ Developer
  • 💡 Ideator
  • ⚖️ Legal expert


Former CTO of Swisslex Board member of entscheidsuche.ch Legal expert and computer scientist



Make the law publicly available


Es gibt Mengenbeschränkungen beim Testinterface und es gibt Lizenzprobleme wenn man GPT3 auf grössere Datenbeständ anwenden möchte. Für sinnvolle Abstracts scheint es im Allgemeinen nicht zu reichen.

2 years ago

It is a bit like a kid, who congested a lot of information without understanding it. The kid is reproducing amazing things and is not recognizing when some things make sense and other things don't. This is typical for AI.

2 years ago

GPT3 is sometimes giving amazing answers and the next answer might be complete nonsense: https://twitter.com/Velofisch/status/1508074724185808899.

2 years ago

Certificate icon by Gregor Cresnar - CC BY 3.0