


First results from testing prototypes

2 months ago

Morning Checkin: 2 prototypes almost ready for testing for proof of concept: A) local running program, Python-based, tagword-based vs. B) OpenAI/LLM-based program

TO DO: A) test run 2 prototypes to compare B) Check license agreements for Infinity C) Prepare Presentation

2 months ago
  • getting introduction to LLM
  • working on 2 alternative solution approaches (vector based, tag based)
2 months ago
  • getting introduction to LLM
  • working on 2 alternative solution approaches (vector based, tag based)
2 months ago
  • getting introduction to LLM
  • working on 2 alternative solution approaches (vector based, tag based)
2 months ago

We are working on a small testing landscape: One part of the team creates a test database with knowhow documents that can be used for searches. The second part of the team is creating questions/queries and the desired output when using the Management System

2 months ago

Certificate icon by Gregor Cresnar - CC BY 3.0