
  • ⚙️ Developer
  • 🎗️ Coach


Maintainer of dribdat, the 100% open source hackathon platform



Be excellent to each other


https://challenges.openlegallab.ch/dribs All of you who made the most of this platform with your posts and projects 😍 Thank you from the bottom of my Slacker heart. We have big plans for Dribdat - stay tuned!

2 months ago

  Remember to thank your team/challenge/data provider - and feel free to ask our man for a professional team photo as a keepsake!

2 months ago

NYT on your copyright case? Flex your brain with open src word games

2 months ago

  A HuggingChat conversation about the terms of use of a Swiss website, with help from Prompts.law

2 months ago

  Added prompts.law and additional references for mad prompting skills

2 months ago

  Tout est traduit en français, et l'italien est en cours. The Vue.js is looking beautiful 😍

2 months ago

  Requirements gathering, many data sources, time consuming to decide where to start. One side is vectorizing the search, the other feeding a language model to assign relevance.

2 months ago

2 months ago

2 months ago

Ein Überblick über die offenen und (noch) verschlossenen Türen auf dem langen Weg zu Justitia - Dario Haux, Georg Fischer 2023: https://doi.org/10.21257/sg.234

2 months ago

Es geht los!

2 months ago

Our initial Demo app for Android can be downloaded as a pre-release on GitHub. Thanks everyone for a great OpenLegalLab'23! 🤗

1 year ago

Achievement unlocked 😅

1 year ago

Provided three APIs: topics, terms, and laws. We will show you a nice front-end here tomorrow. Gute Nacht! 🌃

1 year ago

So close..! 🥲

1 year ago

My Shiny App ✨

1 year ago

We are working together the Triple store/Fedlex team on the same APIs, from a different angle. First we will help set up a backend that could enable queries to multiple APIs in the same place.

1 year ago

Presentation uploaded and website up and running

2 years ago

We have a website with a fresh & fancy CMS. On our server (Ubuntu VPS, hosted at Nine.ch) we have an deployment of Froide - still stuck on getting the build working.

2 years ago

Certificate icon by Gregor Cresnar - CC BY 3.0